Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finally- a update

Sorry for the lack of updates.So much has happend since last. And I will not be able to tell about all of it either. But I will let the 'cat' out of the bag. Some of the readers have known that I have worked on loosing wieght this year. I had wanted to keep it a surprise for when my dad came to visit, but since the visit now is over, lets discuss;-) I had decided to loose weight at the end of last year. And by the time my dad came I had lost 60 lbs.
So here is me and my dad, last day before he went home.
My beautiful daughter. She has decided to become a country girl! She loves her Cow girl hat.
This is me, taken last night. 10-08-11 and I have now lost 65lbs since new Years. I am wearing size 14 pants in this picture. That is the same size jeans I wore before I got pregnant with Sophia!

So how did I do this?

The answer is Low Carb.

I have done the research and I believe in Low Carb. And my inspiration is:

Among others.

As for the rest of the family. We are trying to keep low carb for the most part, and Rich agrees. It is better for all of us. The kids are healthier, the eat more veggies too now. And their doctor even agrees. Low carb is the way! In addition, we try to stay gluten free and soy free. The little bread we do have at home are for the kids breakfast only. And as soon as our economy will allow that will also be replaced with healthier stuff!

We have no fruit in the house, it surprised dad when he was here. Fruit is only sugar.. We do however have some berries. But now during colder weather we will most likely not have much of that. Maybe some frozen blueberries sometimes. Instead of potatoes, we are eating turnips. They are very good! And you can make them into a very good and creamy casserole to go with any kind of meat dish.
But mostly we are eating broccoli, green beans or cauliflower as a side with dinner.

So there you have it! I am currently waiting for the results of my blood work that was drawn over a week ago. (don't know why it takes so long, when we do it for animals we have the results the next day..) I am not worried about the results, but it will be fun to see. I am expecting them to be in range over the board.

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